Setup your mac

Setup your mac

All our team use a Macbook pro (we provide it in the onboarding). So all the content in this guide assumes that you are using a MacOs.

Why MacOs?
We have optimized all our development flow for MacOs, so we will be able to help you easily if you face any problem. Also, we develop so much for iOS and you need a MacOs for this.

Can I use Linux?
We only will provide you with a Macbook pro but you are free to use your own computer if you prefer using Linux. But you should be hacker enough for not being blocked by your S.O.



We use Git (opens in a new tab) as version control system.

By default Macos already have Git installed so for checking it run

git --version


We use NVM (opens in a new tab) for being able to manage multiple active node.js versions.

Sometimes you could be working in different projects with different Node version requirements. For that normally you will find a .nvmrc file in the project, and you will be able to set node to the required version by executing nvm use command.

Install instructions (opens in a new tab)
Troubleshooting on Macos (opens in a new tab)
Verify installation (opens in a new tab)
Usage (opens in a new tab)

Yarn Package Manager

We use Yarn (opens in a new tab) as package manager.

Easiest way to install yarn with NVM is with this command

npm install -g yarn

NOTE: This only will install yarn for the active Node version in your NVM. If you install other Node version you will need install yarn again or migrate global packages while installing (opens in a new tab).


We use Github (opens in a new tab) as development platform.

You don't need install anything because is a web but you will need configure your account.

Two Factor Authentication

Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA) (opens in a new tab)


Avoid using HTTP for connecting Git and Github, always clone the project using SSH.

Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent (opens in a new tab)
Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account (opens in a new tab)

More info (opens in a new tab)